sniffy meals

6 Reasons Your Dog is Picky Eater!

If you’re an owner of a furry fellow, you know that getting your furry friend to eat can sometimes be a challenge. A picky eater can be frustrating, but it’s essential to understand why your dog is being selective about their food choices. In this blog, we’ll discuss six common reasons dogs become picky eaters and provide helpful tips on getting them to eat.

Health Issues

One of the main reasons a dog may be a picky eater is because they are experiencing health issues. If your dog refuses food or shows signs of discomfort, it may be time to visit a veterinarian to rule out any medical problems.

Stress or Anxiety

 Dogs can also become picky eaters due to stress or anxiety. Changes in routine, a new environment, or a new family member can all cause stress for your furry friend. This can lead to a decrease in appetite and reluctance to eat.

Boredom with Food

Like humans, dogs can get bored with the same food served daily. If you have been feeding your dog the same food for an extended period, they may become bored with the taste and texture and refuse to eat it.


 Overfeeding leads to obesity. The same applies to your pet dog as well. Overeating may cause a decrease in appetite. If your dog is not hungry, it may refuse to eat. Following feeding guidelines based on your dog’s weight and size is important.

Table Scraps

 Feeding your dog table scraps can cause them to become picky eaters. In addition, if your dog is used to getting human food, it may refuse to eat it. Therefore, it is essential to establish boundaries and stick to a regular feeding routine.


Their metabolism slows with age, and they may become less active. This can lead to a decrease in appetite. In addition, senior dogs may require a different type of food tailored to their needs. If your dog is getting older, then switch to senior dog food to ensure they are getting the proper nutrients.

If you need help with a picky eater after trying these tips, don’t worry! There are still options available to ensure your dog gets the proper nutrition. First, consider contacting a veterinarian or SniffyMeals, a pet food delivery service catering to your dog’s needs. Many of these services offer personalized food options based on your dog’s age, taste preferences, and dietary needs. With patience and the right resources, you can find the perfect food for your picky eater and keep them happy and healthy for years.

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